FMBA Breeders listed by state.


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No members found


First Name: Maggie
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Rainbow Island Mousery
Mousery Prefix: RI
First Name: Marisa
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Rainbow Island Mousery
Mousery Prefix: RI
First Name: Jim
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Widdershins


First Name: Allison
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Allisons Ark
First Name: Indigo
Country: USA
Mousery Name: Ethereal Moon Mousery
Mousery Prefix: EMM
First Name: Sadie
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Meraki mousery
Mousery Prefix: MM
First Name: Gabe
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Miced Out Mousery
Mousery Prefix: MIO
First Name: Kayla
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Tiramousu Mousery
Mousery Prefix: TMSU


First Name: Lily
Country: USA
Mousery Name: HoneyBear Mousery
Mousery Prefix: HBM


No members found


No members found

District of Columbia

First Name: Mike
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Fifty Shades of Fancy Mice
Mousery Prefix: FSFM


First Name: Charity
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Druid Tails Mousery
Mousery Prefix: DTM
First Name: Denni
Country: United States
Mousery Name: FaerieRodentry
Mousery Prefix: FR
First Name: SHANNON
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Lucent Fuzzery
First Name: Lauren
Country: US
Mousery Name: Silver Star Mousery
Mousery Prefix: ARBA, AFRMA, FMBA and AGS Approved Small Animal Breeders of Vero Beach, FL
First Name: Billy
Country: USA
Mousery Name: SteelCrest
Mousery Prefix: SC
First Name: VICTOR
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Vs banded


First Name: Kinsey
Country: United States of America
Mousery Name: Kendor Mousery
First Name: Melody
Country: Usa
Mousery Name: Misunderstood Mischief Rattery
Mousery Prefix: MUM
First Name: Samantha
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Mystique Menagerie
Mousery Prefix: MYST
First Name: Timiae
Country: USA
Mousery Name: Towanda Mousery
Mousery Prefix: TM


No members found


No members found


First Name: Kyeshia
Country: United States
Mousery Name: KSK Exotics
Mousery Prefix: KSK
First Name: Avelyne
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Mossflower Mousery
Mousery Prefix: MF


No members found


No members found


No members found


First Name: Jenny
Country: USA
Mousery Name: Ainsley Willow Hedgehogs & More
Mousery Prefix: AWM


No members found


First Name: Ariane
Country: Estrie
Mousery Name: Royal Mousery


First Name: Laila
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Mulberry Mousery
Mousery Prefix: MUL
First Name: Sammi
Country: USA
Mousery Name: Sticky Claw Mice
First Name: Jennifer
Country: United States
Mousery Name: The Baked Hen Farm & Mousery
First Name: Corinne
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Western Maryland Mousery
Mousery Prefix: WMM


No members found


First Name: Lori
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Lay Low Mousery
Mousery Prefix: LL


First Name: Danielle
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Sweet Little Mousery & Mischief
Mousery Prefix: SLMM


No members found


First Name: Amanda
Country: USA
Mousery Name: ARO's Mousery
Mousery Prefix: ARO
First Name: Tyler
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Rosie Posie Exotics


No members found


No members found


No members found

New Hampshire

No members found

New Jersey

No members found

New Mexico

First Name: Alexis
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Mia and Mindy's Mousery

New York

First Name: Julia
Country: USA
Mousery Name: Moon Pie Mousery
First Name: Katelyn
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Mousetache Rodents
Mousery Prefix: MTR

North Carolina

First Name: Gabriel
Country: USA
Mousery Name: Neuse River Rodentry
Mousery Prefix: NRR
First Name: Sydney
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Wolffe's Mousery
Mousery Prefix: SCW

North Dakota

No members found


First Name: Andrias
Country: USA
Mousery Name: Cozy Occult Mousery
Mousery Prefix: COM
First Name: Stacy
Country: USA
Mousery Name: Mice Mayhem Mousery
First Name: Deborah
Country: USA
Mousery Name: ZimaWind
Mousery Prefix: ZW


First Name: Isabel
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Les Souris Mousery
Mousery Prefix: LSM


First Name: Janis
Country: US
Mousery Name: Chambermist Cottage Farm Rodentry
Mousery Prefix: CCFR
First Name: Jessica
Country: United States
Mousery Name: The Spangled Mouse
Mousery Prefix: TSM


First Name: kylin
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Berry Town Mousery
First Name: Daniel
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Stone Mountain mousery
First Name: Tatiana
Country: United States
Mousery Name: TinyPawsMousery

Rhode Island

No members found

South Carolina

First Name: Shellee
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Small Scale Crittery
Mousery Prefix: SSC

South Dakota

No members found


First Name: Zarina
Country: USA
Mousery Name: The Z Spot Exotics
Mousery Prefix: TheZSpotE


First Name: Ashe
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Ashe's Animals
Mousery Prefix: AOA
First Name: Stacy
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Twisted Trails Mouse Menagerie
Mousery Prefix: TTMM


First Name: Brooke
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Brookie Cookie Creatures
Mousery Prefix: BCC
First Name: Marlene
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Northern Star Mousery
Mousery Prefix: NSM


No members found


First Name: Maegan
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Cat and Mousery
Mousery Prefix: CAM


First Name: Steven
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Ignem Facere Rodentry
Mousery Prefix: IFR
First Name: Alexandria
Country: United States
Mousery Name: Solace Mountain
Mousery Prefix: SM

West Virginia

No members found


First Name: Jon
Country: US
Mousery Name: Limited Edition
Mousery Prefix: LTD
First Name: Hillary
Country: USA
Mousery Name: Niemi Farms Micro
Mousery Prefix: NFM


No members found

U.S. Outlying Territories

No members found


First Name: Joye
Country: China
Mousery Name: Carroty Mice
Mousery Prefix: CM
First Name: Regina
Country: Deutschland
Mousery Name: Hausmaus - Farbmauszucht
First Name: Brook
Country: Canada
Mousery Name: PipSqueaks Mousery
Mousery Prefix: Pip
First Name: Molly
Country: Canada
Mousery Name: Wizkerz Mousery
Mousery Prefix: WZKR