How To Join
To join, simply fill out our Membership Application. The FMBA will contact you within 3 business days with an invoice for club dues.
Membership Benefits
Membership with Fancy Mouse Breeders’ Association is just $10/year and comes with a monthly subscription to the Mouse Minute (delivered digitally), a breeder’s listing on the club’s website, access to exclusive content on our website, and access to the Members Only group on Facebook.

Membership also comes with the added opportunities of being able to enter in FMBA shows and to host a show in your area! Members also receive a vote in the club’s annual board member elections and the annual club Membership Meeting.
Membership Dues
Membership dues are $10 per year per member. After filling out the form, you will be given an option to pay via PayPal. If you can not use PayPal, please email the club at [email protected] for additional payment options, or indicate this on the membership form. Funds from members’ dues and show fees will be used to fund future shows, ribbons, printing costs, supplies, and similar show needs. Along with supporting the website, and benefiting the FMBA as a whole.
Click HERE to fill out the application to join the club!
Read the FMBA’s By-Laws: HERE