2022 Appalachian Show

September 17th, 2022

Results below!

Best in Show:
#14, Ashfae Harrel Animals’ Shima, a black brindle doe
Best Opposite Sex:
#2, Ashfae Harrel Animals’ Ao, a blue buck
Best Opposite Age:
#20, Lisa’s Mouse Room’s Texel Baby2, a beige texel doeling.

9 mice from 2 breeders
1st: #2, AHA’s Ao, a blue buck
2nd: #8, AHA’s Geal, a pink-eyed white doe
3rd: #15, AHA’s Shiro, a pink-eyed white doe

7 mice from 2 breeders
1st: #14, AHA’s Shima, a black brindle doe
2nd: #18, AHA’s Stri, a black brindle doe
3rd: #23, LMR’s Veronica, a splashed doe

Any Other Variety
6 mice from 2 breeders
1st: #12, AHA’s Kitsune, a silver fox doe
2nd: #32, LMR’s splashed angora buck
3rd: #20, LMR’s Texel Baby2, a beige texel doeling

Hosted By Maggie Laigaie of Rainbow Island Mousery

125 Village Green Cir, Rocky Top, TN 37769

Join us at Norris Dam State Park for our annual Appalachian Show!

U8 Eligibility Birth Dates: 23 July – 20 August 2022
If your mouse was born between the above dates, that mouse should be entered as a U8, meaning a pup. If the mouse was born prior to July 23, the mouse should be entered as an adult. If the mouse is born after August 20, the mouse is too young to attend the show.

Quarantine Begins: 18 August 2022
Quarantine for any FMBA-sponsored event begins 30 days prior to the event. During this time, no attendee may expose their mice to new animals from outside of their own mousery, nor bring their mice elsewhere and then return them to the mousery. Non-mouse animals attending the show (for trades, sales, etc) should also participate in quarantine. For more information about quarantine, check out the full explanation here: https://fmbamice.com/general-care/quarantine/

Entries Open: September 3
Entries Close: September 10

Only FMBA members are eligible to enter mice into the show. Entry forms will be available on our website starting on September 3rd, and we will no longer accept entries after September 10th. If you are not a member, you can also join the club at this time. Unpaid invoices, whether for membership or for entries, will result in entries being denied at the show. Entries will not be taken at the door.

Health check will be conducted on the day of the show, at the show hall. All animals entering the show hall must be health checked by FMBA health inspectors before entering the hall. Animals turned away for reason of disease must be sequestered. Sale or trade of animals in the parking lot of the event is not allowed, nor may animals be left in vehicles for the duration of the show.


  1. I’m ISO some mice to bring home from this show! I’m open to other things, but I am primarily looking for nice quality dove (aa pp), silver (aa dd pp), champagne (aa bb pp), lavender (aa bb dd pp), lilac (bb dd), silver agouti (A* cchcch), and chinchilla (Aat cchcch). Standard coats highly preferred, but willing to look at any coat type for quality animals. I am also tentatively looking for Abyssinians. If you may have anything for me at this show, please email me at [email protected]

    Thank you!

  2. Hello, I’m ISO mice for the show- looking for extreme black or black self, Siamese/Himalayan, honestly any mouse that has a great temperament as I am trying to improve my lines. Please contact me at +16183398466 or pm me on Facebook!

  3. Also looking for available mice. Open to any color or coat type. I use to breed and show through the FMBA but sold out a while back (regret that badly now lol). Possibly open to cages also. You can pm me on my personal FB page Zarina Shipley or my animal page The Z Spot Exotics or shoot me a text at 423-492-1200.

  4. Iso show quality bucks in tricolor or siamese. Will be bringing u8 siamese and splashed.

  5. ISO breeding quality Type 1 merles or merle pied, preferably in black. Type and contrast are my priority over specific markings. I’ll be working the show, but email me at [email protected] or contact me on Facebook to arrange.

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