What is the Fancy Mouse Breeders’ Association?

Photo by Hillary N. of Niemi Micro Farms
Photo by Daniel R. of Red Dragon Mice

The Fancy Mouse Breeders’ Association was established to continue and promote the hobby breeding and exhibition of show mice. The mouse fancy began in the 1880s in England. The FMBA is a club based in the United States of America and strives to carry on the tradition of improving show mice bred in the U.S. by offering shows for breeders to compete in.

Photo by Hillary N. of Niemi Micro Farms

Our ever-growing membership works with many amazing colors and coat types. Whether one is interested in the elegance of the show self or the uniqueness of a splashed or brindle, the mouse fancy has a nice assortment of distinct colors, markings, and patterns. Learn more by joining our public group on Facebook!

The FMBA has established written standards for mice of different varieties, much like the American Kennel Club has for purebred dogs. The Association hosts shows across America where members present their fancy mice to be judged and awarded for their conformation to these standards.

The Association maintains an active presence on Facebook.

The fancy mouse hobby originated in England over a century ago, and still thrives there today, through the National Mouse Club